Congratulations Jasima! Never expect that we will reunite on your wedding day I am so happy for you, semoga masjid yang akan didirikan akan kekal utuh sehingga ke akhir hayat. Xoxo 💋
congrats jasimaaaa bride to be aaa 🥺💫💜
semoga jasima dan pasangan bahagia selalu hingga ke syurga aminn 🫶🫶🫶
*actually dulu2 pernah ckp selalu yg paling diam kawin dulu and among four of us (ainsyu, farah s, jasima, niithiya) i really thought that it would be you jasima
and it does really comes true
the moment jasima ckp ad something nak bagitau ain terus dalam hati ni mesti nak bagitau wedding invitation 😆
and guess who’s getting married it’s jasimaa 💜💜💜
congratulations again jasima so happy for you aaa 🫶
Congratulations Jasima!!! Semoga perkahwinan diberkati dan kekal hingga ke syurgaNya🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️
Congratulations Jasima! Never expect that we will reunite on your wedding day I am so happy for you, semoga masjid yang akan didirikan akan kekal utuh sehingga ke akhir hayat. Xoxo 💋
congratulations jas!! so happy for youu!💗 can’t waitfor your big day!
Wahh happy for you jasimaa!!! Congratulations on your wedding ❤️
I was so shocked!!! Congrats jasima!!!! See u very soon!!!!
Congrats jas 😍 Im so happy for you!
CONGRATS GURL! Semoga till jannah ❤️
Congratsss gurl! Happy for u
Congratulations Jasima, moga kekal smpai jannah
Congratulations Jasima and Mr Azzim🤩🤩
May you both enter this new journey of yours with lots of love forever🤗
I wish i can go 😭 congrats jasima wishing the best for both 💕💕
Congrats dear jasima ❤️
Congrats Jasima…iam happy for you🥹🥹😭 alhamdulillah you find your true love..
Selamat pengantin baru Jasima dan pasangan. Semoga masjid yang dibina utuh berdiri hingga hembusan nafas yang terakhir ❤️
congratulations jasima aaa 🥺💫💜
semoga jasima dan pasangan bahagia selalu hingga ke syurga amin ✨
congratss jasimaa aa bride to be 🥳💜
congrats jasimaaaa bride to be aaa 🥺💫💜
semoga jasima dan pasangan bahagia selalu hingga ke syurga aminn 🫶🫶🫶
*actually dulu2 pernah ckp selalu yg paling diam kawin dulu and among four of us (ainsyu, farah s, jasima, niithiya) i really thought that it would be you jasima
and it does really comes true
the moment jasima ckp ad something nak bagitau ain terus dalam hati ni mesti nak bagitau wedding invitation 😆
and guess who’s getting married it’s jasimaa 💜💜💜
congratulations again jasima so happy for you aaa 🫶